Brilliant Resilience
Produced by Sappheiros
Getting back up when life knocks us down can be tough when we allow negative thinking to prevent us from moving on. I learned to focus on more positive thoughts. In darker times there are less of them. But the more we focus on them, the more they start popping up until they dominate our mindset, creating a more positive outlook on life. Something that I like to call Brilliant Resilience.
It’s what I use as I allow the negativity to just fade away while I head into the next moment. Focus on staying on the right path I choose to keep heading down. Not getting down, letting myself down or those around me. I surround myself with positive vibes, helping to elevate thoughts and mind when things aren’t going quite my way or I stray off track. Not getting myself all in a panic while I’m getting it back. Back to the bright side of life. The right side of life. The side where we thrive cause we keep our eyes on the prize and the ball while we smack it out the park. It’s amazing how a flame can ignite such a fire in our hearts from just one single spark of desire. But more importantly to keep that flame lit even during the worst storms.
Brilliant resilience. It’s staying strong and keeping faith through the tough times. Leaning on our loved ones when the journey turns into a tough climb. Sure enough it gets better with enough time.
Brilliant resilience. While using it the ride doesn’t seem so rough. It’s much easier to keep our Spirits up. Be our own cheerleader. Making sure we don’t stop until we cross the finish line every time. Brilliant resilience.
It’s more a mental game than anything else. It’s like daring ourselves to be our best selves. Even after all of those negative feelings we have felt. Not letting anything else prevent us from moving forward in our lives. Especially if not much seems to be going right. When we feel like throwing in the towel instead of putting up a fight. We gotta keep our heads held high. Wave to fear as we pass by. Remember the reason for starting the mission in the first place.
Treat every day with the same enthusiasm as the first day. Do something each day our future self is going to thank us for later when we achieve our goals cause we keep plugging away. Keep chugging along. Keep singing our songs. Keep righting our wrongs. Keep ignoring the doubt since it runs out when we keep moving forward toward our heart’s desire relentlessly. Followthrough wins out in the end.
Brilliant resilience. It’s staying strong and keeping faith through the tough times. Leaning on our loved ones when the journey turns into a tough climb. Sure enough it gets better with enough time.
Brilliant resilience. While using it the ride doesn’t seem so rough. It’s much easier to keep our Spirits up. Be our own cheerleader. Making sure we don’t stop until we cross the finish line every time. Brilliant resilience.
In every one of us when we care about something so much we blow through every roadblock in front of us. When we decide we’re tired of our own excuses for not wanting to create a better life for ourselves. Better health. More wealth of Spirit and mind. Be more kind to everyone, especially ourselves. Being our own biggest fan. It’s all about loving ourselves first so we can expand that love outward to everyone else. Until the resistance starts fading away. The days keep getting brighter every day. The road blocks seem to evaporate. And it’s ok when we don’t always get our way. Choosing positive emotions instead of getting sucked into a mental meltdown where we become our own worst enemy by allowing negative thinking to take over. Surrendering our minds to what we don’t want.
So let’s keep focusing on the good. Keep focusing on the great! Forgiving ourselves for our mistakes. Learning the lesson and moving on. Moving forward. Getting unstuck. Getting our lives back on track with less distractions. More satisfaction. When we keep crossing items off the list of what we are aiming for in this lifetime. Making the most of this lifetime with Brilliant Resilience.
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