Gonna Let Love Guide Me
Sometimes I feel like a tumbleweed blowing in the wind
Off course. Hoping to find my way again
So I’ll turn to my Gut to guide me
Now I’m putting more trust in that positive Force inside me
Telling me: Go all in on Good, that’s the first thing
Double down on Love. It’s a sure thing
While it makes sense to me, it’s nonsense to some
But I recognize the different walks of life we come from
Well I’ve been walking all over and finally realized
Sometimes those tangled knots share the same ties
The same fabric weaving us all together
When it finally hit me, my outlook got much better
Got so good I leaped ahead of the mainstream
Too much Peace & Love. Same old lame theme
Didn’t stop me though, but it slowed me down
Still I could never let anything like that just hold me down
Right now, we need it more than ever in our lives
Love is the bridge that unites the divide
Turns the tide. Working out a win-win situation
Who said anything about the need to fight?
Instead, the pen is mightier than the sword
Words of Love & Peace can do so much more
More positive energy floating through the atmosphere
Feeling those good vibes. Making us all glad we’re here
Gonna let Love guide me. Gonna trust Love blindly
I can feel it right inside me. Always there for me, Divinely
Gonna let Love guide me. Gonna trust Love blindly
I can feel it right inside me. Always there for me, Divinely
With Love as my compass it’s important to
Build resilience and show some fortitude
Always more to do. But Self-Love comes first
Then giving its more effortless, not a chore to do
More trust in the road ahead of me
Charting out possible routes, yet I’m letting it be
All I do is set the intention
Allow life to unfold through untold Dimensions
The more I align with the Good inside of me
The more that the right situations just find me
So I’ll keep doing what I feel is the right thing
Focus on the positive outcomes it might bring
Keep on coming from that place of Love
Keep spreading words of peace. Rising above
Not giving in to any negative energy
Seems like a waste of time to make enemies
So when I get tripped up; Dust off as I get up
Make Peace with myself and others to avoid a mix-up
Let my confidence in the Universe sink in
Get back to that life of living Goodness again
I’ve learned Love is the key to everything
Plenty of it is even better, more than anything
What I’m living and giving and driven to create
Peace. Love. Community. Growing more every day
Gonna let Love guide me. Gonna trust Love blindly
I can feel it right inside me. Always there for me, Divinely
Gonna let Love guide me. Gonna trust Love blindly
I can feel it right inside me. Always there for me, Divinely